Pode Promo

Pode Promo is a BULLET platform for promotional hotsites generating for small and medium-sized customers.

Digital and customizable, the user defines campaign's type, period, rules, identity, prizes, number of draws, sends images of his logo and products, and much more.

The development of the platform was done in laravel and ajax, divided into four main areas:

  1. The Campaign Generator and website home
  2. Client area with all your generated campaigns and data, reports and documentation for a specific campaign.
  3. BULLET's panel that controls the management of all created campaigns
  4. Campaign pages, where each layout has its own html and css to give greater versatility in customer choice.

The BULLET Panel has different levels of access (financial, marketing, legal) where each area continues its own stage in the generated campaigns, whether sending, receiving or approving the necessary documentation and images.

Currently, the generator contains 5 layout options and the intention of expanding to more, among them seasonally layouts such as Black Friday, Christmas and Summer. In addition, after campaign was generated, the client has social posts automatically with the information and brand of his campaign.

CLIENT: BulletDate: july 2021

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